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Family Fellowship
Our family fellowship usually meets six or eight Sundays each year between 6 PM and 8 PM. We have a variety of interesting activities each year. Anyone may attend any of our meetings, even if you do not want to become a regular member.
We give to special Presbytery appeals, as we did to the earthquake disaster in El Salvador.

We have given to special local community appeals, as we did to help start the Congregate Meals Program at our county hospital.

Our Youth Fellowship Group goes on a work/mission trip every other year, offering their services at Presbyterian Camps. The summer of 2001 they went to New Hampshire and the group took a trip to New Mexico in 2003.

We have donated money and household items to a local family after they lost their home to fire.

We give to four special denominational offerings every year to raise funds for our General Assembly Mission Program.

Our children of our community raised over $500 for the Heifer Project International.  This project helped a family in a poor area obtain a heifer so they can become self-sufficient in the future.

Each Christmas the children of our church pick a mission project to give to.


PURPOSE:  Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:

to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study,
to support the mission of the church world wide,
to work for justice and peace, and
to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses the promise of God's Kingdom.

This group of women includes all women in our church. You are invited to join us. Our meeting is the 1st Wednesday of the month at 12 Noon. Lunch is provided, followed by a Bible Study, Fellowship of the Least Coin, and business meeting.
An evening PW group has formed for those who cannot attend during the day. They meet on Thursday evening at 7 PM following the day meeting for a Bible Study.

PW is a vital part of our congregation:
  • Activities at the New Homestead Nursing Home; usually Bingo and snacks.
  • Meals on Wheels.
  • Serving special meals at church for a variety of functions.
  • Serving the Lion's Club meals during March, April, September, and October.
  • Sending sewing and supplies to needy areas of the world
  • Sending money to support the mission work of the Presbyterian Church worldwide.
  • Sending supplies and cash to Cross Ministries.
  • Hosting a Friendship Night in May for guests.
  • Helping our Youth Fellowship Group fund their Mission trip.
  • Providing flowers for the sanctuary at Easter and Christmas.
  • Keeping inventory of the kitchen and supplying necessary items.

How could you become more involved? Please come and bring your ideas. There are many more avenues to explore. HELP make a difference in our world!





Contact Pastor Roger Todd at rogtodd@netins.net